Concerns grow on town centre plans

Concerns grow on town center plans
More housing, No Infrastructure - NO THANKS say Lib Dems
Central Bedfordshire Council have announced plans sell land they own south of the High Street, including Duncombe Drive car park, to build yet more houses in the town with no infrastructure.
When plans were shared with local councillors, there was no commitment to deliver any funding for projects for the good of the town. It was also made clear that the results of the residents consultation would be ignored.
These plans will have a massive impact on our town. They'll mean yet more housing being built without any guarantee of new infrastructure coming along with it.
The local Lib Dems are working hard to stop these plans. Lib Dems councillors on Central Bedfordshire Council have secured a delay to the sale of the land and are continuing to fight to make sure that any plans that are brought forward benefit the town.
The Town Council has called an emergency Full Town Council meeting next week to set out the Town Council's objections to the plans and increase the pressure on CBC to revise their plans.
We are really please that Labour and Independent councillors in Leighton Buzzard are working with us to stop these plans.
This is one where we need residents, local businesses, local councillors to work together to get the best for our town.
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